Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Side Job, Internship, Or Scholarship??All??

You can find many information about scholarship or financial aid, or intership according to your preferences in all around the world,,,,just sign up and fill the form content of your profile and Fastweb will search for the most appropriate result fitted with your preferences,,,,for further information, you can visit this link below :

FastWeb: Search for Scholarships: Start Now!

Digital Mark Reader (DMR) Agent

DigitalMarkReader - exam examiner system, Questioner, Psychotest, with the economic scanner..
Get Prize for Rp7500.000,- for agent who can collect form of desire statement for using DMR product...
for further information :
visit :
1001 Agen DMR
Official Site :
Phone : +62 22 30100517

Business Opportunity : IM2 Marketing For Existing User of ECO, YOU, PRO, MAX dan BIZZ Program

This is for existing user of ECO, YOU, PRO, MAX dan BIZZ can refer others to join IM2,,Get Rp125.000,- for each person you refer to..Want to try?? Follow this link below :

Business Opportunity : IM2 Marketing

Have you already used IM2?
try to market them and get rewards,,,,

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Distro Business

Distro or clothing outlet in Bandung is very famous and mushrooming in Bandung. They sell clothes, shoes, bags, and other accessories that is different in one distro to another because each distro owner design their product by each distro has their own uniqueness....This business may be still difficult to be found in another city in Jawa Barat because of the demand of it's product. If we imagine for a while about Bandung that has so many school and university.....we might think that Distro is very potential business because we can see demand everywhere....that may be one of the reason why there is so many Distro in Bandung....

Although there is so many Distro, but not all of them are wellknown....there are some Distro that have been already wellknown...this can be caused by their product quality, uniqueness, attractive and comfortable store, their advertisements in magazines, or the products worn by the people can see them in television....heeee.....

Hmmm....Do you want to try to open the Distro?
I think that's interesting too and prospectable.....heeee.... :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Online Store

Do you have a product or some or many product to be marketed?

If yes... try to market it or sell it or them through internet by opening OnLine sTORe...

you can make a website or even just open blog account...for website you will be charged for about 10$ per month...but it's free if you use blog....

In my opinion, it's so interesting when we have an online store..why? because we don't have to have a store in a land that required much money to build...we just have to send the goods through packet service and all the transaction is very simple just by clicking here.....clicking there....and......finished...heee... :)

If you don't have any store, you can start to make your own blog...may be you will be inspired later after reading or hearing news, looking at other people business, or reading blog, like this blog...heee.....(little promotion)....

May be you will be attracted to open store after you have a beautiful blog.....and it's very possible if its your own blog itself that gives you inspiration to open a business. The business is not only open the store, but also even just by joining affiliate program....

So just try it then.....heee....may be you want to open the online store first or just blogging first.....However, I think it will be more interesting if we have online store in our blog than just the blog itself..... :D So...don't wait too long...
Let's start to explore our creativity.... :)..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Document Service Business...

One of the most advantage business near the campuss is document can be photocopy service, printing, and design service...

according to survey data...photocopy business near campuss can earn about $30 per day....
it's nett profit.....that's great benefit right?

try to open the store immediately then!! hehehe....

and In my opinion, it will be more profitable if the working time started from early morning,about 6pm untill 11 pm....

Google Adsense

Apa itu Google AdSense?

Google adsense adalah cara cepat dan mudah untuk para pemilik website yang ingin menampilkan iklan yang relevan dalam websitenya yang kemudian dapat menghasilkan uang. orang yang menemukan apa yang mereka cari dalam iklan yang anda pajang akan mendorong anda untuk meningkatkan kualitas website anda.

Selain itu, Google Adsense juga memberikan peluang menghasilkan uang melalui google search yang dipajang di website anda. Google search akan menampilkan iklan Google di halaman hasil pencariannya.

program ini gratis yang mengombinasikan pembayaran per klik untuk iklan yang disediakan. oleh karena itu, segera coba program ini. Daftar online dan jangan melanggar peraturan yang telah ditentukan (adsense policy). Lalu tentukan jenis tampilan iklan yang ingin anda pajang di website atau blog anda.

Setelah anda mendaftar, Google akan mereview web atau blog anda dan hasilnya akan dikirim lewat email dalam 2-3 hari.Jika anda disetujui, anda dapat langsung masuk ke account anda, log in dan dapatkan kode html untuk anda masukkan ke web atau blog anda.

Ingatlah bahwa salah satu syarat utama anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam program ini adalah anda mempunyai website atau blog. Jika anda belum mempunyai salah satunya anda dapat membuatnya gratis di

Berapa banyak saya dapat menghasilkan uang melalui program ini?
anda dapat menghasilkan uang untuk setiap iklan di web atau blog anda yang diklik oleh orang lain atau setiap 1000 karakter (jenis) iklan yang tampil di web atau blog anda.

Tujuan program ini adalah untuk membuat pengiklan dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dibandingkan dengan program iklan lainnya. untuk melihat berapa yang anda hasilkan langsung saja mendaftar dan munculkan iklannya di web atau blog anda. Daftar di

Ketika anda sudah menjadi bagian dari Google Adsense, anda dapat melihat perkembangan penghasilan anda kapanpun di dan klik report tab. anda akan diberi rincian penghasilan anda sehingga dapat menginspirasi anda seberapa baik program tersebut bekerja untuk anda dan berapa besar anda dapat berharap dari program ini.

sumber :